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The Time-Crunched Business Owner’s Guide to Maximizing Your Chamber Membership ROI

By Sweet Home Chamber | July 2, 2024

Back to Blog Hey there, busy members! We see you. You’re juggling inventory, payroll, marketing… the list always continues. And we keep sending emails about events you need more time to attend, right? While these events can be incredible opportunities to learn and grow professionally, we understand that “getting together” isn’t on everybody’s calendar. However,…

Sizzling Summer Strategies to Boost Sales

By Sweet Home Chamber | May 31, 2024

Back to Blog Whew! Can you feel it? The unofficial start of summer is here. Summer is a season of change for many small businesses. School is almost out, vacations are in, and customer behavior shifts as people embrace the warmer weather and longer days. For some businesses, it’s a time of enormous revenue; for…

3 Copywriting Tips That AI Doesn’t Use

By Sweet Home Chamber | April 30, 2024

Back to Blog I recently spoke with an SEO expert who swore that search engines are biased against AI-written websites (websites without one word written by a human). He said AI-written websites are something search engines are discounting for (marking you down) because of the possibility of the sites being fake or holder sites. I…

How to Take Your Customer Relationship to the Next Level

By growthzone | March 28, 2024

Back to Blog Do you want to wow your existing customers? Are you ready to take your “relationship” with them to the next level? It may be time to grab your data and do some personalized marketing. What You Need To get your customers’ attention, you need tools to measure buying frequency and purchase history.…

6 Reasons Why a Facebook Group Can’t Replace Chamber Membership

By growthzone | February 28, 2024

Back to Blog Some people think a chamber membership is all about networking, and because of that, they see it as obsolete. After all, you can just meet other business people online, right? Search on Facebook, and several business groups will come up, many geared to a certain profession or business size. Some of these…

A Meaningful Tip to Transform Your Business’ Marketing

By growthzone | February 3, 2024

Back to Blog No matter your industry, you can always learn from techniques used in other businesses, particularly if those techniques lead you to ideas that help you connect with your audience. This article will discuss an easy change that will transform your business’s marketing and how people see your business. It’s something you can…

Prioritizing Top Trends in Small Business

By growthzone | December 29, 2023

Back to Blog So, you want to grow your business? But you have a limited budget, time, and resources, right? That means you must choose what to work on to maximize growth. Here are the things you should concentrate on first: The Digital Imperative Small businesses can do big things. Technology is one of the…

Should I Use AI for My Business?

By growthzone | December 1, 2023

Back to Blog AI is certainly the “Belle of the Ball” these days, but it’s also under scrutiny. It can save businesses a lot of time, but many professionals fear what the adoption might mean. Is it right for you and your business? First, unless you are off the grid, you’re likely already using AI…

10 Fears You Need to Overcome as a Successful Business Owner

By growthzone | November 3, 2023

Back to Blog Starting and managing a business is no small feat. While you may feel empowered to start a business or work for yourself, it can be daunting. You may be facing a myriad of fears and uncertainties. Unfortunately, there’s no magical time that they go away. It’s not like once you pass the…

10+ Tips for Saving Money on Your Business Expenses

By growthzone | September 29, 2023

Back to Blog While the MetLife and U.S. Chamber of Commerce Small Business Index reached its highest level of confidence since COVID-19 in Q3 of 2023, many businesses are still battling rising costs and trying to make every dollar count. According to the report, 33% of small businesses say the U.S. economy is in good…

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