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Hiking Trails


Located in the Menagerie Wilderness, this trail is accessed from a small parking area shared with the Walton Ranch Trail, 19.8 miles from Sweet Home. The trail climbs into the wilderness, winding through mature forests to the base of Rooster Rock and has views of the South Santiam drainage. An alternate starting point is the Rooster Rock Trailhead, which makes the hike shorter, but steeper.
Open to: Hikers and horses
Mileage and Elevation Gain: 2.8 miles, 2,000 feet

This ADA accessible trail leads to a viewing platform that overlooks a meadow where elk can often be seen in the winter and early spring.
Open to: hikers/wheelchairs
Mileage and Elevation Gain: ¼ mile, 30 feet

Beginning  along the South Santiam River  and winding its way through old growth forests to the top of Tombstone Pass and then to Fish Lake, the 19.5 mile wagon road is a great destination for hikers, bikers and horse riders. Used by early pioneers to access Central Oregon grazing areas, the road is now a mix of double track and single track, broken sections that can be accessed at different points along Highway 20. Multiple official and unofficial trail heads give visitors many options for a variety of hikes. Starting at the west end: Mountain House to Latiwi Creek Road. This section is one of the most intact pieces of the original wagon road and parallels the South Santiam River for much of the way. Great sword ferns and a cave are highlights on this trail. The road is mostly double track and gains slight elevation as you travel west. There are 2 creek crossings on this section that are usually easily passable, except during large runoff events. A half mile loop trail off this section leads to House Rock Falls.
Open to: hikers, bikers, horses
Mileage and Elevation Gain: 3.3, 600 feet

Starting on the north side of the South Santiam River, this section begins in a section of second growth, winding its way through old growth as it follows the route of the original wagon road up the famed Sevenmile Hill. Look for historic bridge abutments that used to aid travel along the road.
Open to: hikers, bikers, horses
Mileage and Elevation Gain: 3.3, 1100 feet

Open to: Hikers, Bikers, Horses
Length: 4.5 miles
Difficulty: Moderate - Difficult
Elevation: 2,900-4,400 feet

This trail follows former segments of the historic Santiam Wagon Road, interspersed with modern connecting roads, creating a blend of past and present. As you ascend to Tombstone Pass, you'll traverse young conifer forests and enjoy occasional views of Iron Mountain and Jump Off Joe Mountain. Mountain bikers will find this segment particularly appealing, with additional logging roads branching off the Santiam Wagon Road to the north and south. The most challenging section lies just west of Tombstone Pass, where the trail climbs steeply through several switchbacks to reach the Tombstone parking area. Iron Mountain and Green Mountain can be seen from various points.

Directions: From the Sweet Home Ranger Station, travel east for 30 miles. After milepost 59, turn right on Forest Road 024 towards Sevenmile Camp. The trailhead is at the end of the road, marked by signboards near a gate. A restroom is available at the nearby horse camp.

A mix of forest roads (closed to vehicles) and sections of the original wagon road make up this relatively downhill and flat portion of the wagon road to the district boundary. Visitors pass through a mix of forest types along the way to the Historic Fish Lake Guard Station, an original outpost for Forest Service employees and once a major stop along the wagon road. Open in late June.
Open to: hikers, bikers, horses
Mileage and Elevation Loss: 8.7, 900 feet

Embark on a short loop near Sheep Creek and the South Santiam River, featuring a lush old-growth rainforest, river views, a significant waterfall, and a stretch of the historic Santiam Wagon Road. Late spring brings abundant wildflowers. If visiting before early May, add 0.4 miles to the House Rock Campground. For a longer hike, start at the Mountain House Trailhead (Santiam Wagon Road Hike).
From the parking pullout, walk back 50 yards, take the trail, and switch back to a footbridge over the South Santiam River. Explore House Rock, a landmark on the Santiam Wagon Road. Continue the loop, passing House Rock Falls Trail, a footbridge, and a viewpoint of House Rock Falls. Enjoy river wildlife, mossy boulders, and historic sites.
Return to the junction, hike up to the Santiam Wagon Road, and bear right. Pass through an alder grove, admire old-growth conifers, and glimpse House Rock. Descend the trail, cross the bridge, and return to your vehicle.
Open to: hikers
Mileage and Elevation Gain: 1/2, 50 feet

This trail has long and short alternatives that make it a perfect destination for various hiking levels. Located in the Middle Santiam Wilderness, this trail takes you on a true wilderness experience as you follow the route to Donaca Lake and then to the base of Chimney Peak. It's only ¾ of a mile from the trailhead to the Middle Santiam River and a great place to cool off on a hot day. The trail to Chimney Peak winds through old-growth stands, and you must cross both the Middle Santiam River and Pyramid Creek; neither has a bridge. Water levels are lowest in the fall.
Open to: hikers and horse riders
Mileage and Elevation Gain: 12.7, 3000 feet

This trail system has two options; you can go west 3.2 miles to Knob Rock and tie into the Chimney Peak Trail, or east 2.2 miles, where you scramble over to Swamp Peak and tie into the Gordan Peak trail system.
Open to: hikers and horse riders
Mileage and Elevation Gain: see above; varies

Your hike starts on a ridgeline with periodic views of Mount Jefferson and Three Fingered Jack, before gradually descending through mature, old-growth forests. After 4.6 miles the trail joins the Chimney Peak trail near the Middle Santiam Wilderness boundary. Another option from this trailhead is to head northeast 3.1 miles and tie into Scar Mountain and the Swamp Peak Trail.
Open to: hikers and horse riders
Mileage and Elevation Gain: see above, varies

The area around the Iron Mountain Trail is managed and preserved for its unique botanical interest: over 300 species of flowering plants call the area home. Flowering plants can be enjoyed throughout the early summer. Many flowers bloom at varied times so it pays to come more than once to see them all. There is a viewing platform at the summit with interpretive signs.
Open to: hikers
Mileage and Elevation Gain: 1.7, 1500 feet

A gentle grade leads you through the shade of the forest onto open hillsides bursting with wildflowers in the spring and summer. This trail can be combined with the Iron Mountain Trail and the Santiam Wagon Road for a nice loop hike of 6.4 miles from Tombstone Pass.
Open to: hikers
Mileage and Elevation Gain: 3.5, 1700 feet

This 0.8-mile ADA-accessible trail winds through a classic old-growth forest stand of Douglas firwestern red cedar, and mountain hemlock. This loop trail winds down a section of the Old Santiam Wagon Road and then to a view of Hackleman Creek before winding back around through trees upwards of 500 years old.
Open to: hikers/wheelchairs
Mileage and Elevation Gain: 0.8, 100 feet

The trail begins by gently dropping down toward Maude Creek beneath a peaceful old-growth canopy. After crossing the creek, the trail switchbacks through dense forest before opening into open hillsides teaming with wildflowers in the summer. Remnants of the old lookout are visible from the top as well as a great view of many Cascade peaks.
Open to: hikers, bikers, horse riders
Mileage and Elevation Gain: 4.0, 2100 feet

This trail provides easy access around the lake, 1 mile. The lake is a great place to have a picnic and try your hand at catching the stocked brook trout.
Open to: hikers
Mileage and Elevation Gain: 1, 100 feet

Located in McDowell Creek Falls County Park at 43170 McDowell Creek Drive, Lebanon, Oregon, this trail offers visitors a rewarding experience with crystal-clear waters and beautiful vistas. The park features 3 miles of lush hiking trails that lead to stunning views of the 120-foot Royal Terrace Falls and the 40-foot Majestic Falls, which plunges over a mossy diabase cliff. Bridges and viewing decks provide excellent vantage points along the way.

McDowell Creek Falls Park is ideal for hiking, nature study, or picnicking. Various parking areas and loop trails allow for shorter hikes if desired. The viewpoint at the base of the falls is an ideal spot to admire the scenery. The best times to visit are from late fall through spring, when the waterfalls are at their fullest.

Various parking areas and loop trails can be taken to shorten the hike.

Open to: hikers, leashed dogs
Mileage and Elevation Gain: 3.3, 750 feet

This trail is located in Cascadia County Park, 48241 Cascadia Drive, Cascadia, Oregon. The short, easy hike to Soda Creek Falls, also known as Lower Soda Falls, offers a delightful journey through a lush forest. The trailhead is between the two day-use parking areas, marked by a wooden sign and two white posts. This 1.5-mile round-trip hike follows the creek, crosses a few footbridges, and meanders through dense forests of Douglas fir, hemlock, and cedar. The vibrant greenery, with moss and ferns covering the trees and rocks, creates a serene atmosphere. The trail leads to the base of the stunning three-tiered waterfall, which cascades 134 feet through rock crevices and spills over a sheer face. Although it can be challenging to see the entire falls due to the angle of the rocks, the view is still breathtaking. Winter and spring are the best times to see the waterfall in full force.

Open to: hikers, leashed dogs
Mileage and Elevation Gain: 1.5, 324 feet

Horse Rock Ridge Trail, located in rural Sweet Home, Oregon, is a moderately challenging hike with breathtaking views and a rich ecological experience. Managed by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), the Horse Rock Ridge Research Natural Area (RNA) is part of an Area of Critical Environmental Concern (ACEC), where the BLM actively works to protect the habitat from potential threats such as off-road vehicles and invasive species. The BLM also supports ongoing restoration, research, and monitoring efforts to preserve this unique environment.

The trail, approximately 3 miles round trip, leads hikers through diverse ecosystems, including old-growth forests, rocky outcrops, and wildflower meadows that burst into color in early summer with species like Oregon sunshine, Indian paintbrush, and darkthroat shooting star. The area is named after Horse Rock, a geologic feature resembling a trimmed horse’s mane. It features elevations ranging from 1,550 to 2,864 feet.

As you ascend to the summit of Horse Rock Ridge, you’ll be rewarded with panoramic vistas of the surrounding valleys and Cascade peaks, including Mount Jefferson and the Three Sisters. The exposed ridge offers a unique hiking experience, with sweeping views of the Willamette Valley below. This trail is an excellent choice for nature enthusiasts, photographers, and anyone looking to explore the serene landscapes of Oregon’s Cascade foothills. Remember to bring plenty of water, wear sturdy hiking boots, and be prepared for changing weather conditions, as the ridge can be windy and cool even on warmer days.

Open to: hikers, leashed dogs
Mileage: 3.0


The Foster Lake Trail runs from Lewis Creek County Park to Foster Dam along the north side of Foster Lake. Numerous access points are available on North River Road, Gedney Creek Boat Ramp, and Lewis Creek County Park. This trail provides views of the lake and old-growth trees as it winds along the shoreline.
Open to: walkers, runners
Mileage and Elevation Gain: 2.8, 100 feet

This section of the Foster Lake Trail travels along the lake from 60th Avenue to Shea Point. The majority is paved. This 1 mile long trail is a great walk along the shoreline of Foster Lake. Swimming and fishing opportunities off the trail make it a great stop all year. Parking is available just east of the town-homes, accessible from Highway 20.
Open to: walkers, runners
Mileage and Elevation Gain: 1.0, 0 feet

Best accessed from Elm St. at 16th Ave, or at 5th avenue about two blocks south of Elm st, this forest canopied dirt trail follows an old railroad line for nearly a mile and a half. It actually starts in Sankey Park and follows Ames Creek until it veers off to 16th ave. Tree-lined solace all the way, except for a short stretch through the Canyon Creek housing development. 
Open to: walkers, runners
Mileage: 1.2 miles 

This route takes a runner or walker up a gentle incline to the bridge on a road that, particularly in the early  morning, is not heavily traveled, so walkers or runners can move out into the road if they keep their ears open for oncoming traffic. 
Open to: walkers, runners
Mileage: 1 mile

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